Sunday 11 October 2009

Veronica Pattern

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Veronica is a vintage-style tee incorporating beads, basic fairisle and texture. It is knitted in 4ply and is very versatile and feminine.

To fit sizes small (medium, large)
Knitted sizes
Bust 88(96, 110)cm / 35(38, 43)inches
Length to shoulder 52(53, 56)cm / 20(21, 22)inches
Sleeve seam 11cm / 4 inches

6(7, 8) balls of Rowan pure wool 4 ply (ms)
1 ball of Rowan pure wool 4 ply in contrasting colour (cs)
I used clay and raspberry (160m / 174yds per ball)
400(500, 600) beads
3mm (US 2½) straight needles

29 sts and 38 rows to 10cm (4 inches) measured over stocking stitch using 3mm needles.

k = knit
p = purl
sts = stitches
tog = together
tbl = through back of loops
psso = pass the slipped stitch over
yon =yarn over needle
ms = main shade
cs = contrast shade
pb = place bead
RS = right side

Bells pattern
Row 1. P3 (K5, P3) to end
Row 2. K3 (P5, K3) to end
Row 3. as row 1
Row 4. as row 2
Row 5. P3 (K2tog tbl, K1, K2tog) to end
Row 6. K3 (P3, K3) to end
Row 7. P3 (K3, P3) to end
Row 8. as row 6
Row 9. P3 (sl1, K2tog, psso, P3) to end
Row 10. purl
Row 11. purl

Eyelet section
Row 1. purl
Row 2. knit
Row 3. purl
Row 4. eyelet row. (K2, K2tog, yon) to last 3 sts, K3
Row 5. purl
Row 6. knit
Row 7. purl
Row 8. purl

Fairisle section
Row 1. purl
Row 2. knit
Row 3. purl
Row 4. fairisle row. K3 in ms (K1 in cs, K3 in ms) to end
Row 5. purl
Row 6. knit
Row 7. purl
Row 8. purl

Beaded section
Row 1. purl
Row 2. knit
Row 3. purl
Row 4. beaded row. K3 (pb, K3) to end
Row 5. purl
Row 6. knit
Row 7. purl
Row 8. purl
Using 3mm needles and cs, cast on 243(264, 307) sts. Break off cs and join in ms. Complete 11 rows of bells pattern. 123(135, 155) sts.

Work 8 rows of eyelet section,
8 rows of fairisle section,
8 rows of beaded section
8 rows of fairisle section.

These 32 rows form pattern. The eyelets, fairisle dots and beads should all line up vertically.
Keeping pattern correct make the following decreases.
Decrease at each end of 2nd (6th, 10th) row and 3 following 4th rows. 115(127, 147) sts.

Work 9 rows without shaping.

Increase at each end of next row and 5 following 10th  rows. 127(139, 159) sts.

Continue straight until the following have been completed from the bells pattern:
1st size – 4 complete pattern repeats,
2nd size – 4 complete pattern repeats + eyelet section,
3rd size – 4 complete pattern repeats + eyelet and first fairisle section.

Work 1 row.

Shape armholes
Cast off 5(6, 7) sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. 117(127, 145)sts **
Dec 1 st at each end of next 7(9, 11) rows
Dec 1 st at each end of following 5(5, 6) alternate rows. 93(99,111)sts
Continue straight until armhole measures 18(19, 20)cm

Shape shoulders and back neck
Cast off 6(7, 9) sts pattern until there are 16(18, 20) sts on right-hand needle, turn.
Working on these sts only, dec 1 st at neck edge of next three rows and at the same time cast off 6(7, 9) sts at beg of 2nd row.
Cast off remaining 7(8, 8) sts.
Leaving centre 49(49, 53) sts on a stitch holder, rejoin yarn to remaining 22(25, 29) stitches.
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.


Work as given for back to **
Dec 1 st at each end of next 7(8, 8) rows. 103(111, 129) sts
Work 1(0, 0) row ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape neck
Work 2 tog, patt 39(43, 50) sts and turn leaving remaining sts on a holder.
Keeping pattern correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 8 rows, then on foll 6 alt rows, then on 3 foll 4th rows and at the same time dec 1 st at armhole edge of 2nd (2nd, next) row and following 0(0, 1) row, then on foll 3(4, 6) alt rows. 19(22, 26) sts
Continue straight until front matches back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulders
Cast off 6(7, 9) sts at beg of next and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 7(8, 8) sts.
With RS facing, leaving centre 21(21, 25) sts on a stitch holder, rejoin yarn to remaining 41(45, 52)sts, pattern to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.


Cast on 75(79, 83) sts with cs.
Change to ms and work in k2 p2 rib for 6 rows.
Purl 1 row.
Starting with 1st (9th, 17th) row of 32 pattern repeat and keeping pattern correct, increase 1 st at each end of 2nd and every following alt row until there are 105(109, 113) sts. Work 3 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape top
Cast off 5(6, 7) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 95(97, 99) sts
Dec 1 st at each end of next 9 rows, then on every alt row until 63 sts remain, then on 9 following rows, ending with RS facing for next row. 45 sts
Cast off 5 sts at beg of next 4 rows.
Cast off rem 25 sts.


Join right shoulder seam.

With RS facing and ms, pick up and knit 49(53, 55) sts down left side of neck, knit across 21(21, 25) sts on holder at front, pick up and knit 49(53, 55) sts up right side of neck, 3 sts from back neck, knit across 49(49, 53) sts on holder at back, pick up and knit 3 sts from back neck. 174(182, 194) sts
Work in k2 p2 rib for 6 rows.
Change to cs, cast off in rib.

Join remaining shoulder seam. Set sleeve into armhole. Join side and sleeve seams.


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