Now that Grace has finished school (for ever!) we have plenty of time to sit around and watch films!! This past week we have had mammoth sessions watching the extended version of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

The extended version is so much better than the theatre version but it takes a lot of stamina to get through all 6 discs.
Plenty of knitting was done whilst watching but yesterday was not very productive. It took three attempts to get the first row of the collar correct for Thomasina. I thought I would have the whole collar almost complete but it was not to be.
Needless to say, Eve is not a happy bunny because we get to sit around all day knitting and watching films and she has to go to school and spend her evenings doing homework. Only 2 weeks to go to the school holidays – and then they’ll both be under my feet.
To try and keep herself busy, Grace has been crocheting a hat, maybe she’ll let me post a pic when she’s finished it. Eve has started knitting Glint by Kim Hargreaves from Nectar.

It’s a great pattern for beginner knitters. Grace has also bought wool to make one and I might even get around to making it myself one day.
Cricket on the TV today, the Ashes has started. It would be nice to sit and watch it all day (as our lord and master is doing!) but I’d feel too guilty if I didn’t do some jobs around the house. Hopefully a few hours a day can be spared, and of course, plenty of knitting can be done. My aim is to get Thomasina finished by the weekend, although I may not have any nice buttons to complete it in my button box. I forgot to buy some when I was in Liverpool this week.
…and finally, after over two year’s absence, we have house sparrows back in our garden.

I don’t know where they went to but all of a sudden we have flock of 9 or 10 who are rapidly emptying all the seed feeders. It’s very entertaining watching them squabbling for position – wonderful to have them back – long may they stay.