Wednesday, 10 October 2012

My Blanket-Of-Many-Colours

I've been full of cold the last few days - horrendous - so I've been feeling sorry for myself.  My bounce was completely lost.  I've sat on the sofa, snoozed a bit, read a bit and crocheted quite a lot.

I'm a keen follower of Little Woollie.  A lovely blog by Jules which features some beautiful colourful crocheting.  I decided, just before the cold hit, that I would crochet a blanket in her mixed stitch stripey blanket CAL.

Looking on the positive side, the cold has allowed me to work away on the blanket and five days into it, I've caught up with Jules and I am eagerly awaiting the next section instructions.

I've just worked on the basis of grabbing any colour out of the stash bag and taking it as it comes.  It's going to be so colourful and jolly.  It already feels nice and cosy.   It's also great fun to make because of the variety of stitches.

Today my bounce feels like it's on the way back.  I've tackled some tidying in the garden and done some housework.  I think I'll take it easy for the rest of the day, maybe watch a DVD.

To make my day even more special, my study material for my new Open University course has just been delivered.

So exciting, more geology and earth sciences - can't wait to get started - a complete book on plate tectonics - what bliss.

I hope that wherever you are there is something exciting to light up your life.


  1. Ooh that is a pretty blanket! :D Glad your cold is better - I still have my cold and Boy seems worse again xxx

  2. Hi Janet, so happy you are joining in the crochet along, your blanket is looking great! Thanks for the nice comments about my blog, I am glad you like it! I had better get a move on with the next bit of the blanket! Have a great day, Julie :)

  3. This would make a great floor pillow


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