Saturday, 13 October 2012

Maybe Not...

Following on from yesterday's blog, I immediately set to work making some cute covers for my door knobs.

Great fun to make - but oh no - do they look just a little bit like a pair of breasts?

There's a definite hint of nipple there!

The flower one doesn't look to bad...

but I don't think they are working for me.  Maybe a change of colour scheme - some brights rather than the pinks and yellow.  I'll give it one more go before I abandon the idea.


  1. Don't they make it hard to grip or turn the knob? Also, can you take them off easily to wash?

    1. The covers are just tied on so they are easy enough to take off and on. I've put mine on knobs that do not require turning - just pulling - I image they would not have very good grip for turning.

  2. Hehe they look fine don't worry :D xxx

  3. Lol, I wouldn't have thought of breasts if you hadn't mentioned them! But I definitely like the flower one better (love the petals!), and I agree that brighter colours will probably be better. Have fun!

  4. I wouldn't have thought of breasts either, well ok that would have been my second thought lol My first thought was eyes. Don't give up on them heres a few others available on that you can try:


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