Thursday, 22 August 2013

The Lone Ranger

We had to go and see it - despite the reports that it had had bad reviews in America.  The Lone Ranger - I had wanted to see this as soon as I saw the trailers.  And I really enjoyed it.

The cinema was full and it was a very appreciative audience.  All good reviews from us.

I loved the part towards the end when the music from the William Tell Overture (the Lone Ranger theme tune) came on.  It was so stirring - I had to buy the Hans Zimmer version.  I'm playing it now as I bounce up and down, riding my imaginary Silver, in time to the music.

Hi-Yo Silver away!


  1. Yo también tengo muchas ganas de ver ésta película. En España se esttrena mañana y estoy segura de que será un gran éxito.
    Me alegro de que a tí también te guste el llanero solitario, me recuerda mi infancia.

  2. I wanted to have a good time with this one, I really did, but it just never came together for me. Good review Janet.

  3. At last I've seen and I liked it. I laughed until I applauded with music. I like!


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