Monday, 3 June 2013

Textile Taxidermy

Isn't it a wonderful feeling when inspiration takes hold.

One minute you're just sitting there, flicking through a magazine, the next minute, you're off on an exciting adventure, fuelled by the seed of an idea that's growing so fast you can hardly keep up with it.

I love these moments.  Fortunately, life is full of inspiration, so they happen quite often.

The latest of these moments occurred when I was leafing through Pretty Nostalgic magazine.

If you haven't heard of this publication before I can highly recommend it.  Such an interesting read.  Check out the website, here.

Anyway, I came across an interesting article, on crafted birds and animals... and it got me thinking.

Look at this picture of the owl...

... I could make something like this - but with yarn rather than fabric.

A knitted body - with a textured front - cables, honeycombs.

Fair Isle for the back and wings.

I could use icords threaded with wires for the feet.

Some crochet and buttons for the eyes.

An icord for the beak.

Collect together all the bits and bobs of brown and beige yarn I can find - put it all together and here he is.

My very own textile taxidermy wise old owl.

What a fun week it's been making him.  Bring on the next inspiring idea.


  1. Hi There

    The owl is very very fine it´s looks so real


  2. I have loved owls since reading Winnie the Pooh and this one is absolutely gorgeous.

  3. Oh wow Mr Owl is so handsome ... Sarah x


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