Now that I have quite a collection of crocheted earrings, I need somewhere to keep them. Yesterday I filled this pretty picture frame to put on my bedroom wall.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Earring holder
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
I love beginnings. It's so much fun to start something new - so despite the fact I have several projects already in progress, I have started another one.

It's a knitted shrug by Kim Hargreaves, the pattern is called Glint from the Nectar collection (Grace and Eve are already making it). I'm using Debbie Bliss Donegal aran tweed and I love the colour of this wool - It's very bright and youthful!
It's a very easy, relatively quick project - so why not?
Thursday, 24 September 2009
A busy day
I've been a very busy girl today. Not only have I de-cluttered the store-room, taken two huge bags of crap to the charity shop and called at the library but I have also finished my scarf and made a bag (and it's still only mid-afternoon).
The scarf was quick to make. I am so glad I changed to crochet for this yarn. I don't think I'll ever love kidsilk haze but I finished the scarf without too much swearing- so that's an improvement. I still have 1 skein of the yarn left but I'm not rushing to make anything with that yet.

I felted the jumper last week and today I made it up into this useful bag. I should be able to fit a knitting project or two in it.
I also made this bag.
It's made from an old jumper that was on the small side.
I was just about to publish this post when I got a phone call to say my mother-in-law has had a fall and cut her leg and an ambulance had been called. So I rushed off to see her and make sure everything was OK. We've got to go to the hospital later to pick her up - so the day just got busier!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Victor Franko and the butterfly
Grace has gone off for her first day at University today. We made the most of her free time the other day by lazing around watching a film. We watched the Dirty Dozen, which we love- and we now (nearly) know all their names.
Whilst watching I made this lovely butterfly- I stuck a pin on the back and it's quite cute as a badge.
The pattern is Lisa's crocheted butterfly. I got a bit confused at first because I didn't realise the butterfly was folded in half at the end, so I kept thinking I had too many stitches. The pattern was spot on - it was me that was wrong. If you follow the pattern it is really easy. I'm going to make more - they would look lovely stuck around the house.

When Eve came home from school she was rather annoyed that we had watched a film without her - so we ended up watching the Dirty Dozen all over again in the evening with her. No matter how many times I watch this film I still shout out and hope that a particular character can manage to avoid getting killed this time.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Fairisle-effect sweater finished
Wow! I love this sweater which I finished last night. The yarn is so soft and the colours so dainty and feminine.
The yarn is Sirdar crofter fair isle-effect DK. As with most Sirdar yarns, it goes a long way. I only used 5 balls.
I improvised the pattern. I wanted something plain knit to show off the beautiful colour changes so I started off knitting a round-necked sweater. When it came to knitting the front I decided to add interest by making the button opening (based on a number of Kim Hargreaves patterns).
I improvised the pattern. I wanted something plain knit to show off the beautiful colour changes so I started off knitting a round-necked sweater. When it came to knitting the front I decided to add interest by making the button opening (based on a number of Kim Hargreaves patterns).
Rather than ribbed cuffs and hem I changed to frilled ones. This adds to the femininity of the sweater. The neckband is garter stitch.
I still have 5 balls of the yarn left so I can look forward to knitting with the yarn again.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Butterflies in the garden
Gardening's a drag - but it's all worthwhile on a sunny day when the butterflies and bees pay a visit.
Some of my favourite things,
Friday, 18 September 2009
Fuzzy Little Friends
PDF version
A while ago Deb from Long Island asked if I would share my bees pattern. Of course, it’s a pleasure to share – so here it is together with a new bee to join the two already in residence.
Yarn – Double knitting oddments in yellow, black and white
Hook – 3 mm or 3.5 mm (whichever suits).
Notions – toy stuffing.
PATTERN (English terms used)
English dc = US sc
Finished size – approximately 7 cm in length
With yellow make 2 chain.
1st round: 6 dc (remember this is the equivalent of US sc) into 2nd chain from hook. Join with a slip st into 1st dc.
2nd round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, [2 dc into next dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (12 dc)
3rd round: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc.
4th round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, 1 dc into next dc, [2 dc into next dc, 1 dc into next dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (18 dc)
5th round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, 1 dc into next 2 dc, [2 dc into next dc, 1 dc into next 2 dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (24 dc)
6th round: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc. Change to black.
7th round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, 1 dc into next 3 dc, [2 dc into next dc, 1 dc into next 3 dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (30 dc)
8th round: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc.
9th round: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc. Change to yellow.
10th – 12th rounds: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc. Change to black.
13th round: 1 ch, 1 dc into each stitch to end, sl st into first dc.
14th round: 1 ch, 2 dctog, 1 dc into next 3 dc, [2 dctog, 1 dc into next 3 dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (24 dc)
15th round: 1 ch, 2 dctog, 1 dc into next 2 dc, [2 dctog, 1 dc into next 2 dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (18 dc). Change to yellow. Insert stuffing at this point.
16th round: 1 ch, 2 dctog, 1 dc into next 1 dc, [2 dctog, 1 dc into next 1 dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (12 dc)
17th round: 1 ch, [2 dctog,] 6times. Sl st into 1st dc. (6 dc). Fasten off and close opening.
Wings (make 2)
With white make 2 chain.
1st round: 6 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Join with a slip st into 1st dc.
2nd round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, [2 dc into next dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (12 dc)
3rd round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, 1 dc into next stitch, [2 tr into next stitch, 1 tr into next stitch] 4 times, 2 dc into next stitch, 1 dc into last stitch, sl st into first dc. (18 stitches) Fasten off.
Making up
Join wings together at dc side of circles and attach to top of body.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Bonny Blue earrings
PDF version
Here’s the latest addition to my ever-growing earring collection – Bonny Blue earrings. As always they are super-quick and easy to make.
Yarn – 2 colours of crochet cotton (white and blue) – only small amounts needed.
Hook – 1.5 mm.
Notions – earring hooks.
Pattern (English terms used)
Finished size – 2.5 cm in diameter
With white make 2 chain.
1st round: 6 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Join with a slip st into 1st dc. Break off white and join in blue.
2nd round: 1 ch, 2 dc into same stitch as chain, [2 dc into next dc] 5 times. Sl st into 1st dc. (12 dc)
3rd round: 1 ch, 1 dc into same stitch as chain,6 ch, 1 dc into same stitch [1 dc, 6 ch, 1 dc] into next 11 stitches, sl st into 1st dc. (12 loops) Fasten off.
Attach earring hooks to the end of one of the petals.
All done, now your Bonny Blue earrings are ready to wear.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
New book and new tactics
Grace has a new book, Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden.
The Grim Reeper is rather cute, as are the Knight and the Ninja. Grace has gone off to Liverpool to buy some black wool - a pink vampire just has no credibility!

Well Eve was right about the Kidsilk Haze scarf - You'll regret it she said - and she was right. I have made hardly any progress on the scarf and it isn't enjoyable knitting it, despite the nice and easy pattern - I just hate that yarn so much. So - last night I decided to change tactics - I frogged the knitted scarf and now I'm crocheting one instead. It is so much easier to crochet with this yarn than to knit. It's just as impossible to undo if you've made a mistake, so plenty of care needed but the pace of the project has notched up considerably. I'm doing a shell trellis pattern which goes really quickly and looks nice and airy. I had crocheted more in an hour than I had managed to knit in a week. The future of Kidsilk Haze is clearly with the crochet hook - I may even get to like it!!
But maybe I should wait until the scarf is finished before I get carried away!!
Monday, 14 September 2009
Ravenscar - a new project
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Gloria, the fish sister
Meet Gloria. She's a fish sister to the fish brothers. The pattern is from Nicki Trench's brilliant book that Grace got for her birthday. She's a very feminine fish - I had originally decided that I was going to make a fish called Gregory, but the end result was far too girly for that name. I love the colours - they are my cheer-up colours - I can never be blue for long when I see something yellow and pink.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Feeling blue - what shall I do?
I'm just coming to the end of this year's Open University course - Exploring Science. There's only the end of course assignment to complete and then I can relax. It's been very demanding but the subject matter has been fascinating. I'm glad I've done the course but I'll be even gladder when I can put my workbooks away. It was all getting a bit much yesterday - everything seemed to be too much - I think it's the biology - I hate that subject - so I've given myself the day off from the assignment today to try to relax somewhat. I've made a list of all the fun little things I want to do when I don't have to study - it's keeping me going at the moment.
Needless to say, knitting and crocheting continue regardless. The sweater I'm making with the Sirdar crofter fairisle-effect wool is about halfway done. Here's a pic of the back.
I decided to make the front a bit more interesting by putting in a buttoned opening but it's quite difficult to match up the random stripes on each half of the front - hopefully it will turn out OK.
Needless to say, knitting and crocheting continue regardless. The sweater I'm making with the Sirdar crofter fairisle-effect wool is about halfway done. Here's a pic of the back.
After knitting Tender - the kidsilk haze cardi - I had 2 balls of yarn leftover. Although I don't like (understatement) the yarn, it seems a shame not to use it up as it is gorgeous once it's knitted up. So I'm using part of the leftovers to make a scarf. The pattern is A Little Obsession by Leslie Bernard and it's in the Ravelry library. I can't knit fast with this yarn so it's taking a while to knit but the pattern is ever so simple.
Formula 1 on the television this weekend - from Monza. That should mean quite a bit of knitting gets done. To cheer myself up, I may start a new project with the yarn recently added to the stash - variety is the spice of life.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Frankie finished
Eve loves her new cardi. It looks so comfortable and warm. She may never take it off ever again!
The pattern is Frankie by Kim Hargreaves from her Breeze book. I used Robin DK wool because Eve was very particular about the colour and this was the shade she wanted. The pattern was very easy to knit and the wool knitted up beautifully.
I originally bought 6 100g balls of the wool but only used 3 1/2 balls so I should be able to squeeze at least one more project out of the yarn.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Pretty Poppy Earrings
PDF version
I recently bought a bag of crochet cottons in various colours including a rather vibrant red. As soon as I saw the colour I knew I was going to make some poppy earrings.
All done, now your pretty poppy earrings are ready to wear.
I recently bought a bag of crochet cottons in various colours including a rather vibrant red. As soon as I saw the colour I knew I was going to make some poppy earrings.
As with all my other earrings, they are so quick to make and use a very small amount of yarn. I used Coats crochet cotton #12 and a 1.5mm hook. Here’s how I made them:
Yarn – 2 colours of crochet cotton (black and red) – only small amounts needed.
Hook – 1.5 mm.
Notions – earring hooks.
Pattern (English terms used)
Finished size – 2 cm in diameter
2 chain.
1st round: 6 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Join with a slip st into 1st dc. Break off black and join in red.
2nd round: 1 ch, 1 dc into same stitch as chain, [2 ch, 1 dc into next dc] 5 times, 2 ch. Sl st into 1st dc. (6 spaces)
3rd round: 1 ch, [1 dc, 2 ch, 3 tr, 2 ch, 1 dc] into each 2 ch space, sl st into 1st dc. Fasten off.
Attach earring hooks to one of the petals through the top of the middle treble.
Yarn – 2 colours of crochet cotton (black and red) – only small amounts needed.
Hook – 1.5 mm.
Notions – earring hooks.
Pattern (English terms used)
Finished size – 2 cm in diameter
2 chain.
1st round: 6 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Join with a slip st into 1st dc. Break off black and join in red.
2nd round: 1 ch, 1 dc into same stitch as chain, [2 ch, 1 dc into next dc] 5 times, 2 ch. Sl st into 1st dc. (6 spaces)
3rd round: 1 ch, [1 dc, 2 ch, 3 tr, 2 ch, 1 dc] into each 2 ch space, sl st into 1st dc. Fasten off.
Attach earring hooks to one of the petals through the top of the middle treble.
All done, now your pretty poppy earrings are ready to wear.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Back to normal?
Things finally seem to be settling down again after Grace's birthday. Chris has finally gone back to work, Eve is back at school on Thursday and Grace starts university in a few weeks time. It feels like forever since I've had the house to myself.
I have my eye on one of the fish brothers next. Grace has almost completed the pickle the dog pattern. She just has to sew him together (I think she's hoping I'm going to volunteer for this!!). She's so pleased with her creations that she has joined Ravelry so that she can show off her goodies. Her Ravelry name is Smiles-A-Lot.
The book Eve gave Grace for her birthday is brilliant, Super-Cute crochet by Nicki Trench.

There are 35 different patterns for cute animals and all of them have a witty introduction, highlighting their characters. We are told that Alphonso the alpaca owns an Internet business selling Alpaca wool and flies kites in his spare time. While Alan the lion plays the saxophone in a ska band.
Grace and I have already made a chick each. I made Rita, the pink chick, rather wide-eyed and innocent. Grace made Lancelot, a chick who commands great respect!
There have been Formula 1 races the last two weekends so Eve's boyfriend cardi is coming on a treat. I hope to have it finished by the end of this week. Then I can concentrate on knitting for me - how wonderfully self-indulgent.
crochet project,
finished project,
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