We had our annual day trip to London the other weekend. Our plan of action was to blitz the Victoria and Albert Museum and take in Hyde Park.

I was prepared this year for the train journey and took a travel-sickness tablet in advance. The journey was slightly better than last year but still not wonderful (why do I even bother to travel?)
I managed to get quite a bit of knitting done. I took the argyle vest I’m making for Grace to work on. It has a plain stocking stitch back and is quite a tight tension so straightforward boring knitting – perfect for the train journey.
The V&A was very impressive – loads to see – but we had to be selective because of time constraints. Obviously we found time for a cup of tea and a cake!
Afterwards we went for a walk around Hyde Park. I have always wanted to see the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens, so that’s where we went. I’m glad we made the effort – it’s a lovely statue – more detailed than I expected.

A great day out – but it’s hard work going all that way and trying to fit in as much as possible in a few hours. It’ll probably be a while before we go to London again.
Further progress was made on the argyle vest last week as we went to watch the cricket at Northern cricket Club – Lancashire 2nd XI v. Yorkshire 2nd XI. It’s how cricket should be – very civilised and genteel. There were about 20 spectators politely applauding.
I’m now working on the front of the argyle vest. This involves 13 small balls of yarn – for each of the diamonds (thankfully the crossed lines are Swiss darned on later).

As you can imagine, I have to spend quite a lot of time untangling the balls every few rows. But I’m making progress and it will definitely be finished by Grace’s birthday.