
Sunday 19 July 2009

Rosalind finished

Well here it is, finished as promised. I am so pleased with this cardi. I know I say I am pleased with every thing I knit when I have first finished it, but this garment is so beautiful.

Here are the details:
Pattern - Rosalind by Gloriana at A Mingled Yarn
Yarn used - Rowan Cashsoft Double Knitting - 7 balls used
Needles used - 4mm

The pattern was lovely to knit, very clear instructions. The fit is perfect and it looks so feminine. I wasn't sure about the colour after I had bought the yarn but I'm glad I chose it now. Cashsoft DK is perfect yarn, so soft, easy to knit with and looks good finished - if only it was a little bit cheaper!
The only modifications I made to the pattern, were to knit the button bands and fronts all in one, and I made the neckline lower.
I was going to wear this to go to the pub last night but Chris got stung by a wasp on his big toe so was unable to walk comfortably. We ended up with a quiet night in and a bottle of wine so no one got to see my lovely cardi. He has promised me a night out later in the week to compensate.

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