
Thursday 16 July 2009

On trying to be productive, whilst avoiding the housework etc

It's three months since I started this blog and two months since I joined ravelry. It has certainly made me more productive. Seeing other people's finished projects, I feel I should be churning something out on a regular basis. The other day I got this lovely crochet book out of the library.

It's called 201 crochet motifs, blocks, projects and ideas and it's by Melody Griffiths. It's full of beautiful floral motifs. This is ideal - when I feel the urge to complete a project, I can make something quick and stunning from this book.
In the meantime I am making excellent progress with Rosalind. It knits up so quickly and I might even be able to finish it over the weekend. There's cricket (2nd Test Match) and golf (Open at Turnberry) on the TV so hopefully I'll be able to sit around quite a bit over the next few days. Chris has now started his 6 weeks holiday, so he's got his feet up already - I keep telling him, us housewives don't get holidays.
The jungle that used to be the back garden desperately needs some attention - but I'm hoping that it will rain so I've got an excuse not to do it!
Grace is away this week. She's completing the gold expedition for her Duke of Edinburgh award. 5 days and 4 nights walking and camping in the Lake District. If last time is anything to go by, she'll come home with rotting feet, serious BO and severe sleep deprivation. I can't image she'll ever want to look at a tent ever again. Whilst she's away I am busy making and planning for her 18th - all very secret, so no pics or details yet.

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