
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Being 27!

I was thinking today, isn't age a funny thing.  There's our temporal age - I'm 54 years old.  There's our physical age - that can be measured by how fit we are.  There's also maturity - some people never seem to grow up and others appear to have been 'old' all their lives.  But what age do you feel you are inside?  I think this is the important one.

My birth certificate may testify to the fact I'm 54, but inside I know I am 27.  I've been 27 for quite a long time now.  I like being 27.  I intend to stay 27 for a whole lot longer.  What age do you feel you are?

Anyway, enough of that silliness, I have a finished object to show you that I had overlooked to share earlier.  It's a crochet project that I finished at the end of last month.

A jolly basket liner.  The basket had it's plastic liner and handle removed.  I used the North Sea Mandala pattern by the lovely and talented Tatsiana, shaping it to fit the sides of the basket.

Pretty picot edging

I'm now using it to hold my embroidery bits and bob's for my 54 squares project.

You can never have enough baskets, as far as I'm concerned.  Pretty and practical, that's what I like.


  1. Love the basket,so much nicer with the crochet lining. As for my age hmm, I turn 50 on New Year's Day and I have really enjoyed my 40s, I hope I can make my 50s as good. Great yoga pose btw:)

  2. Well I'm nearly 42 but have always been an old soul so would happily take a guess that my inside age is 82! A healthy & lively 82 year old though. Love your mandala I keep on thinking they're too difficult for me but I've successfully managed to crochet a large round of black yarn for a penguin cushion so at least the shape is similar. Wishing you a lovely week xx

  3. Your basket looks lovely with the pretty liner. Well I'm supposed to be 62 but certainly don't feel it inside I get quite a shock when I catch my reflection in the mirror I'm still 16 :) x

  4. Love the basket, the sort of thing I need to make for my storage baskets. It is very odd but I too am 27 at heart though I am 69 according to my birth certificate. 27 is the age I stopped at and I think my favourite number. If ever asked to think of a number it is always 27! A lot as changed since I was 27. I just had one child then so I suppose life seemed much easier. I since had a further 3 children so things became more of a blur.

  5. I am a great fan of a basket and love the way you have crocheted the liner, beautiful. I liked my thirties running around with the children and still feel that age now that I have Grandchildren to run around with.

  6. In my head I am much younger than my real age! About half! I guess that most people are like that to some degree. I like your basket liner, just the thing for your embroidery project! xx

  7. Basket looks great. My birth certificate says 58, I feel about 75, but wish I 35.

  8. I love your attitude to life and its good to feel younger than you are. I am 42 bur feel 27. I love your basket revamp for your cute embroidery projects x

  9. I am almost the same age as you, although I think I tend to imagine I am in my 30s. But I definitely could not do what you are in your photo. Do you do yoga? Love the basket liner - great improvement on the plastic.

    1. I've been doing yoga since my teens. I like to prove to myself every so often that I can still do a head stand.

  10. I am 51, but can I say after all my cleaning, gardening and window washing the last few days I am feeling a bit older than that. Usually I am around 40, but not today.

  11. Now I'll always be thinking of you like of a 27 years old! I'm 29. I feel like I'm 17 when I'm home alone, but I feel like a tired 35 when all my (3) daughters are at home

  12. A few years ago, I decided to be 21 again, as I don't remember the first time round! This month I am 29, I had to keep going, as my older son is only three years younger and his wife is two years older than him! She will be 28 this month. The sad thing is, my 20's second time around have not been any more memorable or exciting than the first time! Perhaps I need to try again - third time lucky?
    P's, my birth certificate says I am 52 sshhh! X


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