
Friday, 29 May 2015

Garden Highlights!

I do so love looking at pictures of beautiful gardens.  Quite a number of the bloggers I follow are keen gardeners and I can only look on with envy at the pictures of their gardens and the flowers and vegetables they produce.  Clearly a lot of hard work and plenty of love goes into creating these gardens.

My garden and I have a love / hate relationship.  I hate the thought of having to shift myself and get out and do some gardening, but once I'm out there I quite enjoy the work and sometimes there are bits of my garden I actually love.

So, as the sun was shining yesterday, and I was in a joyous mood, I snapped some pics of my garden to share with you.  Most of my garden has arisen from self-seeding and the occasional success story.  My plant knowledge is very limited, so if you can identify any of the mysterious flowers, I'd love to hear from you.

So here we go, this first one I know is phlox, possibly creeping!

The wisteria is almost done.  It's only a small one, but I'm very proud of all the flowers it produced every year.

These lovely little yellow flowers on this shrub are just opening and there are lots of buds so soon it should be covered in yellowness!

The holly bush still has plentiful berries on it.

This purple flower is lovely and I've managed to get in established in another part of the garden - or quite possibly it did it itself!

I have a mass of columbines, possibly an epidemic!  They have definitely self-seeded.

I love the colour of this one, a gorgeous deep purple.

The foxgloves, another self-seeder, are just starting to open.  I've got plenty of them this year.

And finally, my very happy gardening event.  The plant (camelia?) my friend gave me as a birthday present many years ago, has flowered for the first time.  What joy!

So that's that.  I think I'll quit while I'm ahead!  Bye for now.


  1. For someone who doesn't claim to be a gardener you have a beautiful garden. The holly bush is sheer delight. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you. I've only shown you the edited highlights, there are a lot of scary parts to the garden that will never be shown!

  2. You sound just like me with your attitude towards gardening, I love self seeding plants they do the work for you and I really don't mind where those seeds fall. Your garden is beautiful and how lovely that your camellia has bloomed for the first time.Have a great weekend. :)

  3. Fabulous flowers - I love the whole self-seeding thing they do. Mine goes in waves, sometimes Campanulas come up, other times it's Rose Campion. I have loads of holly and have never had a berry!

  4. Well for someone who doesn't consider themselves to be a knowledgeable gardener, you are growing some beautiful flowers!!! They would be beautiful too if you did think yourself to be a knowledgeable gardener!! Just so pretty, especially the self seeded aquilegia's!! I love those! Hope you have great fun in your garden this weekend! xx


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