
Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Thank you everyone for your good wishes.  I'm pleased to say that my eye is getting better, not as rapidly as I would have hoped, but I'm optimistic that things will be back to normal in a few days time.  I haven't touched my crochet for days, it's been very trying!

I hope that you all enjoyed the Easter holiday.  Reading the blogs that I follow it seems that a lot of you have been out and about, visiting or gardening, enjoying lovely sunshine.  Here we have not been so lucky.  We've been shrouded in fog, cold and damp for the last few days, with the sound of the fog horn on the River Mersey as a background accompaniment.

We're on grey squirrel alert round here, to protect our lovely red squirrels.

Poor squirrels

This afternoon the weather is looking a bit more promising, and as I can't crochet, and I'm feeling inspired, I may step out into the garden and see what's what - hopefully nothing too scary.

Despite the weather we had a lovely weekend.  Both Grace and Eve were at home and it's always special when we're together.  Eve is busy working away on her dissertation, coursework and revision for her finals, so she was shut up in her room for most of the time, poor thing.

This was the first time we had all been together when there wasn't something else to celebrate, so we had postponed our Mothers Day celebrations until this weekend.  My lovely girls made me feel very appreciated.

I received some lovely gifts from them, including this book.

And this beautiful project bag.

This is the reverse side.

And lots of pockets inside, with a clip for scissors.

I am very lucky to have such thoughtful girls.

Well, I'd better get off into the garden, before my inspiration fades, and the fog returns!  See you soon.


  1. I love that bag! I have boys and whilst I get lovely pressies I don't think they would think about crafty stuff. A fab book too. Enjoy the fresh air:)

  2. What delightful gifts, you are truly blessed to have such thoughtful daughters.


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