
Thursday, 12 February 2015

Treats For Me

I've just got back in from a walk to the local charity shop, to drop off a bag of unwanteds.  Typically, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this, I then bought a bagful of other people's unwanteds.

Fortunately, the bag coming home with me was smaller than the one I left with, so overall I managed to reduce the junk in our home.

Amongst my finds from the charity shop, I was lucky to pick up some vintage Ladybird books for only £2 each.

The garden flowers book dates back to 1960.

They really are gorgeous.

A trip to the charity shop, especially if I find some lovelies always puts me in a good mood.  Now that I'm happy knitting with the cardigan, I'm feeling especially jolly.  Another reason for jolliness is my approaching birthday.

Anyone who has been reading my blog over the years, will know that my birthday is the most important date in the entire year.  I start planning treats for myself as soon as Christmas is out of the way.  Now it is less than four weeks to my birthday, so the countdown steps up a gear.  I'll be putting myself on light duties soon, so that I can indulge myself!

In addition, I have nominated Thursday as an official day of rest for me, starting today.  Thursday is my favourite day of the week, I was born on a Thursday and nice things always seem to happen on that day of the week.  As a Thursday's child, I should have far to go, but as a home-loving introvert, it doesn't apply to me.

I've made some scrumptious cakes.

They're called doffins, a cross between a donut and a muffin!  I found the recipe in an old Asda magazine when I was decluttering my recipes.  I was unsure how they would turn out, but they are lovely, quite a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, as a treat this afternoon, and as the knitting is going well, I'm going to have a cast-on party.  I'm going to go wild and cast on all the projects I've been wanting to make in the last few weeks.

It's going to be a fun afternoon - am I a little strange in finding this exciting?

I'll let you know how it goes.  Happy knitting to you.


  1. From one Thursday's child (18.11.48.) to another, have a nice knitty afternoon. I always have at least 3 things one the go. I like something small to do, usually crochet in between my other bigger things cos I get bored. I love your books. Bargain. Going to do some granny squares now and make a coffee.

  2. What great finds, there is nothing like a charity shop find to make my day.

  3. I do love vintage Ladybird books. We have a whole pile from my husbands childhood.

  4. I still have these books from when my children were small. I must say if you shopped in the charity shop where I work they would have cost you a lot less. maybe 50p each. ;-)


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