
Thursday, 15 January 2015

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Dress making - that's one of the areas I want to spend more time on this year.  There's something special about wearing clothes that you have made yourself.  The aim is to improve my skills and develop more confidence.  I need to move beyond my comfort zone.

In my twenties I did do a lot more dress making but never with much joy.  This year I'm determined to get more enjoyment from sewing.  So yesterday I dragged the sewing machine out to finish off something I started months ago but put away "for later".

It's only another skirt.  This is the fourth time I've made this skirt pattern.  I made up my own pattern and I must say I love the style.  It's just how I want skirts to be.

It's six flared panels with a plain waistband.

Not sure I made the best job of attaching the waistband and it looks a bit creased - but I'll get plenty of wear from it.

This fabric is a lovely grey with pink polka dots (although I don't think the pink shows up in the photos).

I have some recycled yarn in a similar colour pink, so a neat little knitted cardigan would look perfect with this skirt.

Next time I'm brave enough to get the sewing machine out I'm going to try a new dress pattern.  But for now I'm going to do some crocheting - the security of the comfort zone beckons!


  1. Lovely! I'd love to be more confident in my sewing, as well. It's hard when my mother is so close by and much more talented than I'll ever be! ;-)

  2. I love the skirt, I am a great fan of polka dots.

  3. Very nice. Those panels will hang lovely on you. I would look like I was wearing a lampshade. Can only wear straight skirts. I agree though, so much easier to knit or crochet in the armchair. I've tried having my sewing machine in the bedroom. We have plenty of room, but my favourite place is the kitchen table.(in the way!)lol.


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