
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Bargains and a Plan of Action

I've been shopping - I don't really shop that much - but when I do I like to come home laden with goodies.  Yesterday was the first time I had popped into Liverpool since completing my Christmas shopping in mid-December, so it was good to just look for stuff to treat myself.  

I work on the basis that if you see wool you should buy it, especially if it's in the sale and even if you already have more wool than you can use.  I pretty much apply this philosophy to any craft item - you just can't have enough!

So I was very pleased to pick up six balls of Rowan Pure Wool Worsted which was half price in John  Lewis. 

What makes it even better is that there was only a choice of two colours in the shop and one of them was my favourite.  This colourway is called crimson, isn't it delicious?

I also picked up some dress fabric [ * New Year resolution to do more dress-making * ].  Again I got this pretty print for half price.  Wonderful. 

What I need to do now is stop accumulating dress fabric and start the actual dress-making! 

As well as stocking up on those "essential" craft bits and bobs, I also bought this book at a reduced price.  

I've only tried one sock pattern before - just a plain ankle sock - but I could be persuaded to try something more fancy and there's plenty of ideas in this book.  

So that's good - lots of goodies and treats - but my New Year resolution is to "do more" rather than to "buy more"!  So now I need a plan of action.  

On the needles at the moment is an aran cardigan.  

The pattern is my Kim Hargreaves from this ancient book (it's from 1998!).  The pattern is called Tide.  

I'm adapting the pattern so that I can knit the body in one piece (late into the evening the maths can be a bit perplexing).  I've nearly finished the body, so only the sleeves to go.  Should have that finished next week.  

Then I've this gorgeous wool that Grace gave me for Christmas.  

This is destined to become a scarf / shawl - I haven't decided which pattern to use yet.  

After that there's the new Rowan wool - another cardigan I think.  

In between these knitting projects I intend to finish the skirt I started sewing back in October- only needs a waistband.  And of course make some dresses.  There's the crochet cushion cover and the patchwork tablecloth and, I mustn't forget the embroidered tablecloth that was supposed to be finished last year but I absolutely, most definitely intend to finish it this year.  

Oh dear!  This isn't a plan of action - this is yet another wish list.  They'll all get done eventually - so why worry.  My plan of action will be to do what is most appealing at the time - I don't think I can really do better than that.  I'd better get off and start "doing".  Bye for now.  


  1. Love the new wool. I only had one skein and made Stephen West's pattern called Boneyard Shawl. More of a shawlette really, with just one skein. Simple pattern, free on Ravelry. I wear mine with apex at the front, cos its not very big.

    1. Thanks for the pattern suggestion. The Boneyard shawlette looks like a great pattern.

  2. Some great bargains, I am avoiding the shops/sales and intend to use my enormous stash first. Love the aran cardigan.


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