
Monday, 18 August 2014


Firstly, can I say a big thank you for your comments recently.  I do so enjoy getting messages and reading them.

On browsing Pinterest recently, I came across this picture of some macramé.

From Smitten by a Knot

It's been ages since I last did some macramé.  In about 1971 or 1972, we had a student teacher who during our craft lesson taught us macramé.  I thought it was wonderful, much better than the boring sewing we had been used to doing.

I borrowed books from the library and practised all the knots.  I still have two of these samples from that time.

The problem with macramé is that there isn't a lot you can do with it - a hanging plant pot holder or a wall hanging.  So I haven't pursued this craft for over thirty years.

But now, I'm feeling all inspired again.  Having seen the picture above, I searched for more macramé pictures and here are some of the ones I found, including some very interesting and imaginative wall hangings.

from flickr

from Etsy

A beautiful necklace.

Quite a number of owls.

From Etsy

from Etsy

I even found mini plant pot holders - how wonderful are these.

from Etsy

I'm feeling very inspired now and  I think I can remember most of the knots.  I fancy giving an owl a try, I'll let you know how I get on.


  1. So many crafts and so little time. I love the gold tree.

  2. I haven't seen macramé in years. I have a few old craft magazines from the '60s and'70s that have a lot of patterns in. Good luck with your creation.


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