
Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Cleanest of Pets

We've never had any pets in our house - aren't we miserable parents!  It's something I don't think the girls will ever forgive us for.  The nearest we ever got to a pet was my Mother-in-law's budgies.  Sadly they didn't live very long, but have stayed long in the memory of the girls.

Grace now has her hamsters at her flat and I think Eve would consider owning a budgie of her own - but she'll have to wait until she has her own place.

In the meantime, my solution to everything - if you can't have the real thing - crochet it!

I've made Eve three budgies to share with her friends at university.  These are the cleanest types of pet, they require minimal attention - so simple.

I'm sure she'll think I'm mad - but I saw the pattern for the budgies and just had to make them - any excuse!

The pattern is free (you can find it here) it is in Spanish but there is a video to help explain the instructions.  I adjusted the size of the budgies because I wanted them smaller - I used the pattern more as a guide.

They really are so cute and irresistible - I may have to make more!


  1. These are so cute I definitely got to make one or two x

  2. They are very cute. I know what you mean about making more... I'm busy making several baby turtles at the moment :)


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