
Monday, 17 February 2014

A Splash of Colour

One good thing about the bad weather is that staying in the house means more crafty work gets done - as if I need an excuse.

I seem to be in a crochet phase at the moment - no knitting - I can't find the inspiration to start a knitting project.  Never mind, it will come back.  So, in the meantime, my crochet hook is working so fast it has sparks flying off it.

This week I completed some simple granny cushion covers for the living room.  I've been meaning to get these done for a while so I'm feeling very satisfied that I can finally cross them off my "to do" list.

Our house is already very colourful, so why not add another few more splashes of colour?

The more colour the better as far as I'm concerned.

I'm off to start another crochet project - there's no stopping me at the moment!


  1. My goodness, your a hard act to follow.You have crocheted so many beautiful things.Your cushions are just fantastic x

  2. I'm with you on the colour, I spent all weekend working on my crochet blanket. Well there was no way I was going out in that weather. Amanda

  3. Beautiful!! Love that they are reversible!!

  4. These cushions looks fabulous and perfect for brightening up a winter day.

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