
Monday, 10 September 2012

No More 'Back to School'

I've enjoyed reading numerous blogs this past week on the theme of 'summer holidays are over and it's back-to-school time'.  I must admit that it has always been one of my favourite time's of the year.  A new beginning, better than New Year because it's not too cold or too dark to do anything.

This year is different.  No more back to school.  My girls are all grown up and their school days are behind them.  We are now counting down the days until Eve goes away to university.  Some of her friends have left to start their university courses already, but Eve still has three weeks to go.  What an exciting time - oh to be young again and to have all these opportunities and experiences in front of you.- I so envy her.

I couldn't resist knitting some little gifts for her to give to her friends before they left.  I used Grace's Teeny Tiny Mochimochi book again and made some human beans.

I thought they'd make a cute little buddy for them to take away.  Very quick to make and easier than you think.  I might make some for myself - to keep me company.


  1. Those little beans are so cute! Might have to check out that book. What a time of change in your house, we are still in the school years at my house, but I can imagine it will be a big time of adjustment for everyone when it ends, I think I will miss the school years at the same time as being glad all the routines will be over. And i agree, I'd love to have those years back again! Have a great week, Julie :)

  2. They look really good :) I'll have to make some now x

  3. They look a bit like Humpty Dumpties to me! Very cute.

  4. I am half way there! I have 2 graduated and in college already and 2 in elementary school. (This is Noodles first year). I love you doolhouse shelf it is so cute!

  5. Those are really adorable! What a wonderful thing to take away with them!!! They look like they are small enough that they can keep them in their pockets!!! Your a wonderful mom!!!


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