
Saturday, 11 August 2012

My Olympic challenge has had a bit of a set-back - hot weather.

We are finally enjoying something resembling summer weather and my hands are too hot and sweaty to knit. I'm still managing to watch an excessive amount of Olympic coverage on the television - taekwondo, synchronised swimming (more impressive than I thought it would be), diving and mountain biking.  The knitting, however, has been slowed down.

I've also reached the point where I am feeling guilty about the garden - with all his lovely weather I should be out there doing something useful.  So today, the knitting was put down, the television switched off and I ventured out into the garden (rain is forecast for next week).

But boy is it hot - too hot to do too much gardening, I did do some - and too sweaty to knit!  I think I'll tackle the buttons on my cardigan - 16 to sew on - that'll keep me quiet for a while - and of course the television is back on!


  1. Picked some tomatoes and right back inside, the humidity is awful! Your last post and the summer top ... what a magnificent piece of work. Absolutely gorgeous. Have a nice weekend.

  2. I have been surprised by my interest in the olympics but somehow have managed to knit also. I cant believe you say the rain is back next week though. Boo hiss. Suppose I will have to cut the grass while the going is goo. I don't like cutting the grass.


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