
Friday, 25 March 2011

Pretty Lacy Bunting

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Spring has arrived, the sun is shining and I've made some cheerful bunting to decorate the house.

The bunting is made using DK weight yarn in four different colours. I made 15 flags for my bunting which has a total length of approximately 2 metres (80 inches).

English terms are used throughout the pattern.
dc = sc in American terms
tr = dc in American terms


With 3.50mm hook (US size E) and 1st colour, work 4ch join with sl st into a loop.
1st round: 1 ch, 12 dc into loop, sl st into 1st dc.

2nd round: 10 ch (counts as 1 tr and 7 ch), miss 1st two dc, 1 tr in next dc, [3ch, miss 1 dc, 1 tr in next dc, 7ch, miss 1 dc, 1 tr in next dc] 2 times, 3 ch, miss last dc, sl st into 3rd of 10 ch. Fasten off 1st colour and join in 2nd colour.

3rd round: Sl st into 7 ch space, 3 ch (counts as 1 tr), 3tr, 7ch, 4 tr all in same ch space, [3 tr in next ch sp, (4 tr, 7 ch, 4 tr) all in next ch space] 2 times, 3 tr in next ch sp, sl st into top of 3 ch. Fasten off 2nd colour and join in 3rd colour.

4th round: 1ch, 1 dc in same place, 3ch, 1 dc in next 2 tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, (1 dc, 3ch, 1 dc, 4ch, 1tr, 1ch, 1tr, 1ch) all in next ch sp, (1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, miss 1 tr) 5 times, 1 tr in last tr, (1ch, 1tr, 1ch, 1tr, 4ch, 1dc, 3ch, 1dc) all in next ch sp, 1 dc in next tr, (3 ch, 1 dc in next 2 tr) 5 times, (3ch, 2 dc, 3ch, 2 dc) all in next ch sp, (3 ch,1 dc in next 2 tr)3 times, 3ch, 1 dc in last tr, sl st into 1st dc. Fasten off. Neaten all loose ends.

To construct the bunting, with 3.50mm hook and 4th colour, ch 40,[ holding flag with RS facing and point downwards, work 1dc into right-hand corner ch space, work 1dc into each tr and ch sp to end, ch 6] repeat for each flag until all have been joined. End by working 40ch. Fasten off and neaten loose ends.

Hang your bunting where it will look jolly and will be noticed.


  1. Very pretty. Thanks for the pattern.

  2. so delicate and dainty--thanks for sharing! :)

  3. This is beautiful and I was looking at some of your patterns, they're all beautiful. I like Arthur the Polar Bear too. Thank you for sharing your patterns with all of us. Have a wonderful knitting/crocheting day.

  4. Thank you so much for this pattern - they are fun to make and very cute! I made them for my wedding party and mentioned them at my blog:

    1. Thank you, Lisette. I'm so glad you like the pattern. Your wedding party bunting looks so cute.


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