
Sunday, 12 December 2010

It's Me!!

So exciting - I was in W H Smith in Liverpool yesterday - browsing the crochet magazines - when suddenly, there in front of me - was me!

How wonderful - a picture of me on the readers' gallery page wearing my capelet.

The magazine is this month's Inside Crochet ( I like the crochet cardi on the front - another possible future project!).

Obviously it wasn't a total surprise because I had been asked a few months ago to supply a picture for possible publication - but even so it was great to see it actually made it to print.


  1. Your capelet is sooo nice! Greetings form Norway :)

  2. It's nice to see you getting props! I love seeing your beautiful finished projects. You've inspired me to make learning to knit my new year's resolution for 2011. I've even picked out my first project already.

  3. How exciting! Congratulations!

  4. How great is that! Christmas came a little early :-)

  5. Hi Big Girl Jewelry,
    Thank you for your lovely comment - what a wonderful feeling to know that you can inspire others. I love looking at other people's work and finding inspiration, so it's nice to know that my work can have to same effect on you.
    Best wishes,

  6. Oh, really exciting, congratulations!


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