
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Our Silver Wedding

What a fabulous day we had yesterday. It was our Silver Wedding Anniversary - 25 years - where did they all go?

Chris and I made a trip down memory lane to the church where we were married and went for a drink in one of pubs we used to frequent when we lived in the area.

When we got back home, I put on my wedding dress to surprise everyone.

Here is me 25 years ago...

..and here is me now.

Wow - it still fits - that's some achievement.

Grace and Eve both tried the dress on - they reckoned it was very Scarlet O'Hara.

In the evening all four of us went for a meal.
I still have the place cards from the wedding - so I took them along with me.
And of course, no celebration would be complete without something knitted or crocheted. For the occasion I made these cute robins in a nest.
They have heart shaped tails and a loving look in their eyes.

I'll share the pattern with you all shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post. You look great. I was married three and a half years ago and am not sure I could get my dress on....I better check. ~Kelly
    unDeniably Domestic


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