
Thursday 2 October 2014

At Last I Get to Wear It new knitted skirt that is.

It's a fabulous fit - no ugly bulges.  And I adore the colour.

You can see full details of the pattern and the yarn I used over on my Ravelry page, here.

I'd like to knit some more of these skirts but I think next time I'd make them more interesting by incorporating some cabling.

Today, Eve returns to Cambridge so, yesterday, as a final treat before she went, we indulged in some yummy mint choc chip ice cream from the local café.

It was delicious and a very generous serving!


  1. woauah ! it fits you quite well ! fabulous ! Have fun and a lovely day !

  2. Wow, for both the skirt and the ice cream. The skirt looks amazing and is such a great colour, it really suits you.

  3. You GO, girl!! It looks excellent on you!! And it is versatile too, that ROCKS!!

  4. Hi Janet, your skirt is beautiful and fits perfectly, a lovely colour too, well done.

  5. Hi Janet .. your skirt looks wonderful and suits you. Did you line it or not? I always admire someone who can make things that fit them and you did it really well. xox

    1. Hi Dorothy, thank you for your message. I didn't line the skirt but I'll have to see how it wears and I may line it later.
      Best wishes,

  6. You do such beautiful work! I wish I could knit. Well I tried last year, but got too frustrated. Crocheting is much easier for me!

  7. Hot Mamma!!!! The skirt looks amazing on you ad pairs so well with that sweater!! You really need to make more skirts =D

  8. It looks wonderful! Way to go!


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