
Monday 19 March 2012

Eve's Birthday

Yesterday, my little baby girl was 18- where has all the time gone?  It seems like no time at all since she was so young and now she's an adult, ready to step out into the big wide world.

We had a wonderful day together.  We had great fun reliving memories and rediscovering the past (yes, I have saved every drawing she made, every story she wrote, every certificate she received and anything else worth saving).

Grace made some crochet gifts for her, which I'm sure she'll blog about shortly.  I knitted Eve a cardi.

It's a Kim Hargreaves design called Ali from the book called Breeze.

The finished article looks wonderful, a great fit and Eve is really pleased with it, however it wasn't a pattern I'd want to knit again in a hurry.  Although it was double knitting weight yarn, the needles used were very small, so it grew slowly.  The pattern wasn't well written and at times very confusing (highly unusual for a Kim Hargreaves pattern).  The basket weave pattern was not exciting but required stitch counting so concentration was required at all times.  Putting all that aside, I know Eve will wear the cardi as much as she can and she does look good in it, so it was all worthwhile.

As Eve's Teddy was also 18, I made him a matching basket weave sweater (this was a lot quicker to make!).

I also made her a phone cosy.

This was knitted using 4 ply yarn and has a lovely cable and lace pattern.  The pattern is available as a free Ravelry download, here.

And finally, here is the card I made her.

It was a special day for Eve, very emotional and full of love. May the coming year bring her all that she hopes for and all that she deserves.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love the baby picture of Eve!

    The jumper looks great on her :D x


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